Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Sister's Christmas Dance

My little sister, who isn't so little, had her Christmas dance last weekend and I had to show you guys how cute she looked. I did her makeup and let her borrow my dress and she looked super cute! It makes me feel soooo old!

We Got a House!!!

Yes, yes, you read that right! We have found a house to move into. It's perfect, roomy, and in the country, which we really wanted. It's a good 15-20 minute drive from where we're from, but I think for the space and all that we get with it, it's worth it.

We plan to move into it on the 31st, so be expecting lots of pics of our new home. This is the perfect start to a new year!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Time has flown!

Really, it's already December? I finally finished this semester of hell :) I seriously never thought that the day would come and honestly, I dunno how well I did. I felt like I pushed myself, but you never know. I started to slack and I know it showed on some of my grades.

I am super excited for Christmas and we are still at my parents, but have a house lined up to move into around the 1st. We cannot wait; we're so ready for a place of our own again!

This isn't the best blog post, but it's something. I promise to have better posts up as soon as we're in our new place.

Happy holidays to all and we love you!