I have been m.i.a. the last few weeks; I've been burnt out the last few weeks and needed a break to just relax some. With the holidays out of the way, I have time to breathe and enjoy myself. Can I start by saying how happy I am 2011 is gone? For the most part, it was a bad and hard year for us. Beginning this week, I;ve done small changes to insure that 2012 is a better year for both Josh and I.
So, to start, I have decided to put a lot of focus on myself and my marriage in 2012. I admit, I put both of those things on the back burner and take them for granted most of the time. I am not going to do that anymore. I downloaded a daily devotional on my newly gifted Nook Color (amazing too!) and make sure I finish my day with it each day. Josh and I are also doing a daily couples devotional for a year that goes along with the movie Fireproof. We're only a few days in, but I can really feel God working with me and Josh. We've gotten along so much better lately and we are so excited to do our devotional daily.
I have also decided to restart my diet. I'm starting Monday. I will be doing my morning meal replacement shake, yoga, and using a new app I downloaded- Couch to 5K. I am not going after a goal wait, just to be a healthier me.
Anyways... Here's my New Year's Resolutions:
1. To become the woman God wants me to be- Godly and a better wife and woman.
2. To become a healthier me- fitter, exercise more, eat healthy.
3. Read a book a week beginning the first.
4. Take care of me- enjoying relaxing bubble baths, reward myself for good work.
5. Get back into school.- 2 semesters to go!
6. Get pregnant- mommy hood needs to happen to me :)
7. Date nights with the hubby at least twice a month.
What are your guy's plans for 2012? I'm not one to make resolutions, because I never complete them, but these are things I feel are within my reach. Keep me motivated :)