Friday, May 16, 2014

Life From Here on Out

It's been 5 months since I have last logged on and posted, wow! So many things have happened since then that I thought I would say hi and do a quick picture update.

So, first things first, I will be a mom to a 1 year old a week from tomorrow. It's nuts how fast time has flown. Zoey has really transformed into a toddler and has developed a really fun, social personality. I absolutely love everything she is and is becoming. I think she changes more and more each day.

I FINALLY graduated with my bachelors last Saturday. I finished this semester with a 4.0 and had a great time. I really pushed myself this semester and had a very positive, rewarding student teaching experience. I am ready to get back into my job full time and get a regular source of income coming in.

Those are the 2 big things going on in life. It feels so good to be done with school and just work every day. Soooo nice!

How is everyone? I have missed you all! I am needing to do a swap really soon because 5 months was way too long!

Now for some pics:

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