Sunday, April 29, 2012

I Am Back: WWTK Week 54

Oh my goodness, I don't know the last time I participated in this link-up, but I am jumping back into the groove head-first today! Yes it's Sunday, not Wednesday, but no one's judging right? Right?

This week's questions were created by everyday bloggers and I think it's so fun to answer them! Maamrazzi is also giving away a $25 Target giftcard celebrating the one year anniversary of We Want to Know; who couldn't use that?? Just link up to be entered!


Vandy @ wants to know:
{one} What is your quirkiest habit?
D @ wants to know:
{two}What TV show do you always stop to watch?
Vanessa @ wants to know:
{three} What do you miss most about being a kid?
Jolene @ wants to know:
{four} How many siblings do you have?
Kenzie @ wants to know:
{five} How do you get yourself out of a funk?

Here are MY answers...

Vandy @ wants to know:
{one} What is your quirkiest habit?
I am sure I do A LOT of quirky things, but I do think that my biggest ones are:
1. I HATE tomatoes and will not order my food with them on them. I either ask for them to be excluded from my meal, or I dig every bit of them out. Nothing is more gross than a warm, soggy tomato on a sandwich. UGH!
2. I am obsessed with checking the mail, to the point where I drive Josh nuts with it. I'll get up early on a Saturday just to check it and make sure I didn't get something important.
3. I LOVE shoes, but I hate to wear them if I don't need to. When I'm at home, the shoes come off and I am barefoot. I also don't care for socks lol.

D @ wants to know:
{two}What TV show do you always stop to watch?
Glee! I am a total Gleek! I also love Big Rich Texas and Jerseylicious.

Vanessa @ wants to know:
{three} What do you miss most about being a kid?
No responsibilities. Before bills, money, work, loss of time filled my life and I had not a care in the world.

Jolene @ wants to know:
{four} How many siblings do you have? 
I have 2 sisters- Connie and Rachel.

Kenzie @ wants to know:
{five} How do you get yourself out of a funk?
I shop, take a nice, relaxing bubble bath, listen to my favorite music, go on a nice date night with my hubby. I also love to bake/cook to distract my mind :)

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