Wednesday, June 13, 2012

30 Day Challenge: Day 1

Since I am so good at doing the Photo- A- Day challenge, I figure maybe I can do this and actually succeed. Next month I WILL do the photo challenge and start on Day 1!

Day 1: My name is Jennifer. I am 25 years old and have been married to my amazing hubby, Josh for almost 4 years!

Day 2: Likes: Chocolate, Sex and the City, nail polish, clothes shopping, loosing weight, Diet Mountain Dew, dinner dates with my hubby, having money, working with kids, makeup.
Dislikes: Traffic, excessive cussing, b.o., mullets, bullies, tomatoes, being broke, cashews, dark roots on my hair, heat.

Day 3: Most days, I get up around 6 and leave for work around 7:15. I am greeted by my babies (8 18-24 month olds) and play with them, change diapers, read, etc. I take my lunch around 1 and work until 5. I go home, fix dinner, shower, watch t.v., sometimes read and go to bed. Weekends are church day and time to clean.

Day 4: I don't have a tumbler?

Day 5: Paris, Hawaii, New York City, D.C., Italy

Day 6: I like all kinds of music, so this is hard. If I had to pick though, I would say The Beatles? I have always loved their music and know just about every song.

Day 7: I am a major bookworm! I love The Help. I also love a lot of children's books. I am currently reading the last Fifty Shades of Grey book, which I love. 

Day 8: This is a weird question? But... I love you to hubs and family and most children could use hearing it a few more times in their day; Honey, that's not a cute look to most girls, and Leave me alone to most people trying to tell me how to do my job.

Day 9: BAD, slow drivers and ones who don't use a blinker and or pull out in front of me when there is no one behind me and then go under the speed limit. Smackers and people who grind their straws along the side of a plastic lid. I also hate when people are drinking something and they slurp through the straw to try and get every little bit out of the cup. My mom and sisters are the worst at it!

Day 10: Coffee and creamer and anything Italian :)

Day 11:" When I am overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I am." Psalms 61:2

Day 12:Yeah... no time for that lol.

Day 13: I want a tattoo on my foot- scriptual :) I want to be preggers bad! I am running late for work lol.

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