Monday, March 7, 2011

A Total Fail

Today I feel like a complete and total failure. I had good intentions to eat well today, but I crashed and burned. The only meal I can be proud of was my Smartone's meal I had at lunch that was full in flavors and not in calories. I ate a crappy breakfast (made my meal replacement shake, got to work, saw a waffle and sausage link; ate that and my shake.... )... Total Fail!!

Had a good lunch, drank about 6 plastic cups full of water (72 ounces total)= A good thing I did today.

Dinner, oh Lord.... I totally failed. 2 fish filets, serving of macaroni and cheese, and 5 corn nuggets. 4 (ugh, embarrassing) cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for snacks throughout the day. I am really ashamed of this little meal choice right here, but I am alone tonight and didn't feel like messing with dinner tonight.

I am now parked on the couch and trying to make myself do my yoga. I am sooo exhausted and have no energy. I honestly don't know why I feel like I do today. Hopefully I am not catching something or getting sick, I need to be well.

All in all, not a total loss of hope, but not my best day ever.

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